Determining the type of starch


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Protocol information

Substances of interest Starch
Type of food blancmange
Method of examination Histochemical Detection

According to this method are examined various samples of different types of starches
and powders containing starch (puddings etc.). Using microscopic method we can prove
the presence of starch, but also on the basis characteristic morphology we can determine
the origin of the starch in the sample.
This procedure is appropriate for dry, powdered materials - starches, puddings etc.

Reference articles

POSPIECH, M., TREMLOVÁ, B., RANDULOVÁ, Z., ŘEZÁČOVÁ LUKÁŠKOVÁ, Z.. Mikroskopické motódy v analýze potravín – prehlaď. Potravinárstvo, 2009, roč. 3, č. 1, p.38 – 41.